Sunday, March 27, 2011

An oldie but a goodie

This is a portion of a blog I posted in June 2009. Adam and I had gone out for my birthday and what happened was interesting, to say the least. The part where I talk about Jim is funny because who knew I'd be hat tricking in his car just a few months later. lol...and if you don't know the hat trick story well...maybe I'll share it sometime. MAYBE.


At the bar there was also a group of guys who were out for their buddy's bachelor party. They were dressed like they had been out all day golfing. The guy getting married was a total douchebag. He was dressed like a douchebag (which, btw is plaid golf shorts and a cream polo, in case you were wondering) and he talked like a douchebag. You could tell that his buddies (all three of them) were really sick of listening to him babble on and on. That's what he did the entire time they were there was go on and on about the same thing over and over. I know this because he stood right freaking behind my stool. First he went on and on about how he was marrying his best friend.

"She's my best friend."
"I'm actually marrying my best friend."
"Like you guys are my friends, but she's my BEST friend."
"Everyone always says they married their best friend, but I am ACTUALLY doing it."
"She's totally my best friend. Like, if I came home and said, I crapped in my pants today she would be like, 'Oh.' because she's my best friend and she wouldn't care."

--OK. Let me just interject here and say, if she was your best friend, she SHOULD care that you crapped your pants. Like, if my best friend Jim came over and was like, "Wawa, I crapped my pants today." I'd be like, "WTF?? WHAT?? Why the hell did you crap your pants? Is there some issue I need to know about? Were you sick from something? Did you eat too many prunes today? Does this happen often or do we need to seek out medical attention?" I would hope ANYONE, not just my best friend would be concerned about the fact that I just crapped my pants, if for no other reason than they just don't want me to sit on their couch.

Anyway, later the conversation turned to what the name of his first born son will be. He named off one name which he kept repeating over and over. He likes it because it's the name of his favorite baseball player. I don't remember the name, it wasn't one that I recognized but I do remember, even after drinking the liquid scotch tape, that it sounded just as douche-y as he was acting. After that his second choice is Grady. "Isn't that a cool name? Grady? Grady Insert-whatever-his-last-name-is-here? I like it. Don't you like it? I really like that name. Grady. Isn't that cool? Grady? All of his buddies were silent. They all knew it was a douchebag redneck name.

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