Saturday, April 9, 2011

*Insert clever, snarky title here

I've decided I want to write a blog post every Saturday and share with you some of the outrageous things you can check out on these here Internets. I want to call it something cool like "The Saturday Morning Funnies" or "The Shits" but I don't really like either of those names so we'll leave it un-named for now. If you can think of something clever, send it to me so I can steal it and call it my own. Kinda like what the Cookies BBQ Sauce Guy did to my dad. (So says dad. It's a cray story I'll save for another time)

So, I'm super pumped for the Royal Wedding coming up at the end of the month (true story). There's a lot of merchandise being sold with Willy & Kate's likeness. (it's ok, they TOTALLY let me call them that) FYI, I wouldn't be disappointed if the Easter Bunny left me one of these in my basket. OMG! I could totally store it next to my purple Princess Di Beanie Baby. Adam wrapped mine in saran wrap to protect it from...well I'm not really sure what he was thinking but it's been suffocating in there since about 2002.

If you haven't seen the Funny or Die video with Billy Crystal and Helen Mirren doing When Harry Met Sally 2. Do it! Added bonus, it's HELEN MIRREN for Christ's sake! She's like the hottest 66 year-old you'll ever know.

In case you didn't already know, I collect vintage Coca-Cola memorabilia. I have a pretty vast collection which for the most part is stored away because I simply don't have the room to display it. Karl Lagerfeld designed Diet Coke bottles, however?? Yes, ma'am! Gotta have 'em!

Man Cannot Remove His Tiny Hat. How this guy isn't one of my friends, I have no idea.

I just wanna go ahead and put this out there. Despite the fact that winter in our area seems to be over with, (FINALLY!) if at any time someone feels the need to physically remove snow from my yard, I won't be upset. Really.

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